Dot Matrix Clock With NTP Server Using ESP32

Dot Matrix Clock With NTP Server Using ESP32


The problem that most of us face when dealing with the conventional wall clock is, the time will start shifting after it runs for a certain period of time. When that happens, you will start to refer to your smartphone clock to get the exact time. So in this tutorial, I will share with you how to create a dot matrix clock and get time from the NTP server using the ESP32 board.


This video will show you how to create dot matrix clock and get time and date from NTP (Network Time Protocol) server using ESP32 board.


Hardware Preparation

This is the list of items used in the video.

Sample Program

This is a sample program to get time from the NTP server and display clock at the dot matrix. Before that, you need to install 3 libraries:

  1. MD_MAX72XX by majicDesigns Version 3.2.1 (Library Manager)
  2. MD_Parola by majicDesigns Version 3.3.0 (Library Manager)
  3. NTPClient by Fabrice Weinberg Version 3.1.0 (ZIP file)

Thank You


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