Control A Servo And Display Sensor’s Reading Using The GUI On Arduino.

Control A Servo And Display Sensor’s Reading Using The GUI On Arduino.


Arduino can also be controlled by the Graphical User Interface (GUI). We create the GUI using Processing IDE. It's quite easy to create the GUI. In this tutorial, we will create a simple GUI to control the Servo and display sensor's reading on Arduino. The sensor can be any sensor, but in this tutorial we're using Ultrasonic sensor.


This video will show you how to create a user interface that can control a servo and display sensor's reading on Arduino with Processing.

Hardware Preparation

This is the hardware connection and the components needed.

67950138 1078535109200968 5636048624900112384 N (1)
Figure 1 : Hardware connection

Sample Code



References :

  1. Ultrasonic Rangefinder with Processing.
  2. Package ControlP5

Thank you

Thank you for reading this tutorial and we hope it helps your project development. If you have any technical inquiry, please post at Cytron Technical Forum.