Create A Simple GUI For USB RFid Reader EM4100 Using Raspberry Pi

Create A Simple GUI For USB RFid Reader EM4100 Using Raspberry Pi


Today I would like to try to interface 125KHz USB RFID Smart Card Reader EM4100. Since it is using USB cable, I choose Raspberry Pi as a controller. Even it is using USB, it is not require a driver to interact with computer. You can open any text editor, once the reader detects tag, it will read and display the tag ID to the text editor. But, how if you want to put it in the program? Let's try!


This video will show you how to create a simple GUI for USB RFid reader model EM4100 using Raspberry Pi.


Hardware Preparation

This is the list of items used in the video.

Sample Program

This is the sample code for creating a simple GUI, reading RFid tag and compare to the database. You need to create a file named Database.csv before you can run this code. For more details, please refer to the video.


Thank You


  1. Raspberry Pi: Getting started with GUIs
  2. GUI library package - guizero
  3. Library to control GPIO on Raspberry Pi - gpiozero

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