Line Following Robot Using Arduino and Maker Drive

Line Following Robot Using Arduino and Maker Drive

In this tutorial, I’ll share with you on how to build a Line Following robot using Arduino and Maker Drive. Before this we’re using an L298N motor driver and now we’re going to change it to Maker Drive and here are the reasons why:

  1. Easy to troubleshoot with the push button and LED indicator.
  2. Support motor voltage from 2.5V to 9.5VDC
  3. Solid state components provide faster response time and eliminate the wear and tear of mechanical relay
  4. 5V Output (200mA) to power the controller with minimum input voltage of 2.5V.


This tutorial use :

  1. Maker UNO Bluetooth Robot Kit
  2. Maker Drive
  3. IR Line Tracking Module x2

You can make the hardware connection based on the diagram and table below.

Maker Drive : M1AMaker UNO: Pin 3
Maker Drive : M1BMaker UNO: Pin 9
Maker Drive : 5VMaker UNO: 5V
Maker Drive : GNDMaker UNO: GND
Maker Drive : M2AMaker UNO: 10
Maker Drive : M2BMaker UNO: 11
Left Tracking Module : DOMaker UNO: Pin A0
Right IR Tracking Module : DOMaker UNO: Pin A1

Reference Video

This is the reference video on how to install the library.

Sample Code

This is the sample code used for this tutorial. Try it!

Thank you

Thank you for reading this tutorial and we hope it helps your project development. If you have any technical inquiry, please post at Cytron Technical Forum.