Learn! Build and  Compete! Join Robot Games

Learn! Build and Compete! Join Robot Games

Well, you should have heard! Only 1 week left before we close the registration for robot games. Only RM10 registration fee!! 

Robot Games Throphy

What are you waiting for??


Many have been suggesting Cytron organize a robotics competition, but somehow we have not been able to do so due to some internal considerations. All this while, we have Sirim’s Robocon, UNIMAP’s MIROC, UNITEN’s Robogamez, and lots more which provided a good platform for all of us to showcase our skills and ability in building robots. However, we were so upset when we noticed that these competitions are not scheduled in the 2015 calendar (until today). 

Robotics competition is very important for engineering students to strengthen the skills and knowledge that they studied. It is a good opportunity to practice your hands-on skills, problem-solving skills as well as teamwork spirit. As most of you may know, all co-founders of Cytron are former team members of the UTM Robocon team. WithoutRobocon, there won’t be Cytron. Not just Cytron, there is quite a number of techno-startup formed by former Robocon participants and they are doing very well now serving the local and global market! All of them started by participating in various robotics competitions. Hence, we think it's time we take up the role of organizing a robotics competition to let the practice go on.

We named this competition as Robot Games as we hope it would be like sports games (Olympic Games, SEA Games, etc.). Rather than physical battle, in Robot Games we emphasize on ‘battle of the brain’ where the challenge, excitement, and spirit are equally important. We treat Robot Games as a public asset where everyone can participate (be it students, hobbyists, makers, teachers, engineers, etc.) using any robot platform (PIC, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, rero, Lego Mindstorm, Bioloid, Nao, etc.) you want. You can even host Robot Games at your own event anytime you want.

This Robot Games will be held in Putrajaya in conjunction with our famous National Hari Belia. Since this is the first attempt, we only manage to prepare 3 games (we hope in the future we can have more games) where each game has 1-2 categories. The game rules and registration links are as below. Feel free to contact us if you have any question:robotgames@cytron.com.my

We really hope you can join us and enjoy the games!

Robot Games

Note: If you need an official invitation letter, please email us your school's particulars.

1. Kung Fu Robot- Rules & Specifications


2. Tunnel Escape Robot - Rules & Specifications


3. Survivor Robot - Rules & Specifications


To participate, please fill in the form, closing date is 18th May 2015.