CIKU + LCD Keypad Shield

CIKU + LCD Keypad Shield

ciku 8


1. CIKU board (link).
2. USB MiniB Cable (2.0) (link).
3. LCD Keypad Shield (link).


Please refer to “Getting Started with CIKU” tutorial.


Below is a list for basic LCD function that you can used with CIKU. You also can refer to the LiquidCrystal.h (under CIKU.X folder) for more lcd function.

void lcd_4bit(UINT8 rs, UINT8 enable,
UINT8 d0, UINT8 d1, UINT8 d2, UINT8 d3);

void lcd_8bit(UINT8 rs, UINT8 enable,
UINT8 d0, UINT8 d1, UINT8 d2, UINT8 d3,
UINT8 d4, UINT8 d5, UINT8 d6, UINT8 d7);

void lcd_begin(UINT8 cols, UINT lines);

void lcd_clear(void);

void lcd_home(void);

void lcd_setCursor(UINT8 col, UINT row);

void lcd_write(UINT8 value);

void lcd_printString(const char *s);

void lcd_printNumber(long n, UINT8 base);

void lcd_printFloat(double number, UINT8 point);

For more library reference, you can refer here.


This example code shows related function that you can used with LCD Keypad Shield. You also can see this code on User-ControlPanel.c file (under CIKU.X folder).

#include “Arduino.h”
#include “LiquidCrystal.h”

int key;
char flag = 1;
unsigned long previousMillis = 0;
int interval = 1000;

void setup()
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); // LED on CIKU board
pinMode(A0, INPUT); // Button on LCD Keypad Shield

lcd_4bit(8, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7); // RS, E, D4, D5, D6, D7 and backlight is connected to pin 10
lcd_begin(16, 2);
lcd_printString(”   SHIELD-LCD   “);
lcd_setCursor(0, 2);
lcd_printString(“Press any key…”);

while(analogRead(A0) > 1000); // Wait until any button is pressed
lcd_setCursor(0, 2);
lcd_printString(“Button:         “);

void loop()
key = analogRead(A0);
if(key < 1000 && flag == 1)
flag = 0;
lcd_setCursor(7, 2);
if(key < 60) lcd_printString(“RIGHT    “); // If RIGHT button is pressed, display “RIGHT”
else if(key < 220) lcd_printString(“UP       “); // If UP button is pressed, display “UP”
else if(key < 390) lcd_printString(“DOWN     “); // If DOWN button is pressed, display “DOWN”
else if(key < 600) lcd_printString(“LEFT     “); // If LEFT button is pressed, display “LEFT”
else if(key < 870) lcd_printString(“SELECT   “); // If SELECT button is pressed, display “SELECT”   }   else if(key > 1000 && flag == 0) // If no button is being pressed, display blank
flag = 1;
lcd_setCursor(0, 2);
lcd_printString(“Button:         “);

unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
if(currentMillis – previousMillis > interval)
previousMillis = currentMillis;
digitalToggle(LED); // LED on CIKU board blink with 1 second interval


If you want to compile the User-ControlPanel.c, under MPLAB X IDE, first please remove the User-Template.c (CIKU – Source Files – user). Right click on User-Template.c and select Remove From Project. Then, right click on user folder (CIKU – Source Files), choose Add Existing Item…, open User-ControlPanel.c, and proceed with Build Project.